Product CatalogueWine and LiquorWINE - REDBLENDSFIFTH LEG RED Back FIFTH LEG FIFTH LEG RED Product ID: 8227 Brand: FIFTH LEG 2025-02-21 From: $14.99 AUD View or buy the BLENDS WINE + RED - FIFTH LEG RED from FIFTH LEG to discover other options and shipping details. Description This funky blend is a parradiddle of primary beats provided by Cab Sauvignon, mixed with the rhythm and groove of succulant merlot and some background rumba from supple shiraz. Back to WINE + RED - BLENDS More BLENDS and others in our range BROWN BROTHERS CIENNA SKUTTLEBUTT RED HAPPS EAST OF ALICE RED 19 CRIMES MALBEC NEPENTHE ALTITUDE TEMPRANILLO WYNNS COONAWARRA CAB SHIRAZ MERLOT BROWN BROTHERS DOLCETTO SYRAH MADFISH PREMIUM RED HAPPS PRESERVATIVE FREE RED KWV ROODEBERG RED 750ML